Wildfire Recovery Resources
Wildfire Recovery Resources
During the 2024 wildfire season, more than 2,000 wildfires burned in excess of 850,000 acres across the State of Wyoming, a clear demonstration of the expanding fire season and an uptick in fire frequency. Unusually, about 70% of that acreage was on private and state lands, whereas past large fires have traditionally affected federal land, which is often forested. Recognizing the urgent need for resources to address ongoing wildfires and provide essential relief to affected communities, the Wyoming Grants Management Office (GMO) conducted research and is working with partners who administer funding to share resources with the community.
Wyoming Wildfire Recovery Guide
The Wyoming Grants Management Office (GMO) researched federal funding that could potentially be leveraged for wildfire recovery efforts on private property. The Wyoming Wildfire Recovery Guide identifies federal funding programs that wildfire-impacted households, landowners, small businesses, and non-profits may be able to apply for directly.
Wildfire Recovery Guide Webinar
December 18, 2024
This webinar was open to the public and was held in collaboration with State and Federal Partners to discuss the Federal funding opportunities that are available to help landowners, small businesses, non-profits, and households recover from the 2024 wildfire season.
Who can I contact for assistance?
USDA Wyoming Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Programs
For more information, you can contact your local USDA Local Service Center at https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/contact/find-a-service-center
USDA Rural Development (RD) Programs
For the Wyoming Rural Development State Office, call (307) 233-6700 or visit this site for contact information, https://www.rd.usda.gov/wy
SBA Programs, Wyoming District Office
Please contact Amy Lea, Wyoming District Director, at (307) 247-3191 or amy.lea@sba.gov
For information about your specific disaster loan application, please call 800-659-2955 or email disastercustomerservice@sba.gov
FEMA Programs
For more information about the availability of FEMA disaster recovery funding in Wyoming, please contact the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security (WOHS) Resilience and Recovery Program Manager at (307) 777-5768 or rachel.bingham@wyo.gov
If you have questions or are looking for additional support, you can email the GMO at SBD-Grants@wyo.gov
Additional Resources
Tax Relief in Federal Disaster Areas
New rules allow individual taxpayers affected by federal disaster areas to deduct personal casualty losses without itemizing deductions.